Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Thing #23

This was a very rewarding learning esperience to me. I had no idea there was so much to be had at my fingertips. Some of the directions were very confusing to me, and I had to have help to manipulate through all of the different sites.

I really enjoyed Youtube, and the" Dumb Blonde at the library " video.

The introduction of so many new and different programs - flicker - Wikis - blogging - tagging etc. has exposed me to what is now available. I may never use what I have learned, but it was wonderful to be exposed to it. Yes, I would take this again, providing that I have the same patient person (Jennifer) answering all of my questions.

Thing #22

With the Project Gutenburg site, you may download classics for free.

Thing #21

I was able to access several different podcasts and listened to them.

Thing #20

YouTube allows you to share your movies with the world. I watch the Dumb Blonde in the library. Very very funny!

Thing #19

Lulu will help anyone publish their book for free.

Thing #18

Is an online word processor where you can collaborate with other features. One is able to retrieve their work from any computer. Zoho is free.

Thing #17 - Playing in the sandbox

I played in the sand box and edited my own wiki. Very easy to do! I'm not sure I'll ever need this, but found it interestin.